My friend and I joke that Will is a penguin because he's always warm and rarely gets the indoor temperature cool enough for his liking. If I'm complaining that it's too cold, he's perfectly comfortable. It's 68 degrees inside our condo and he's sleeping with only a thin sheet, while I'm all cuddled up under several quilts. One morning he opened the window after I got up, and when I went back into the bedroom to get dressed it was so cold I really was expecting a bunch of penguins to be hanging out with him in there. Or a couple of puffins. We are in the northern hemisphere after all.
By extension, I'm Mrs. Penguin, and it's somewhat apt. I don't like it as cold as he does, but I've always preferred the cold (well, cool) to the hot. I love this time of year. I'd much rather be slightly cold than boiling hot.
I know it's November. But I'm refusing to accept it and stubbornly hanging on to my fall jacket (it's the Cream Confection Jacket, of course I will) as long as I can. I've seen people in full winter gear already, but I'm sorry, it's not cold enough for Canada Goose jackets yet. It was gorgeous double-digit (C) weather on Friday!
But ok, I may be dressed a bit seasonally-inappropriate today.
I am wearing very sheer tights à la Kate Middleton, but it's not really a fall outfit. If I keep this up, I’m gonna freeze in January.