
2015: mindfulness, gratitude, simplicity, reading, and lots of tidying

I agree with Oh Joy, I don’t believe in making promises I can’t keep, so the first 10 days of 2015 have been all about stuffing my face. And now I feel like this:


It could be worse, it could be like this:


Seriously, I’ve been eating everything that isn’t nailed down in the last week (carbs rule!). I think it’s been a combination of the cold weather (I’m packing on another layer of fat to keep warm), starting to exercise a bit more again, PMS, and anxiety about starting my new job on Monday. I have a lot of anxiety. I want change, but then change freaks me out. Everyone is telling me it’s good to feel nervous and it’s not enough of a change if I’m not feeling nervous, but is it normal to feel as panicked as I do?

I’m dealing with the panic with tacos from La Carnita on College St, in Toronto (amazing tacos):

So I’ve already failed on the “eat better” New Year’s resolution and I’m effed until next year (kidding, I’ll get back to it eventually), but here is my short (and somewhat vague) resolutions for 2015: practice mindfulness (live in the moment), be grateful every day (I’m very lucky to have what I have), keep things simple (everything), read two books a month (up from last year’s quota of one a month), and tidy a lot.

The overwhelming urge to tidy comes from the first book I read this month, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. It’s adorable and completely bonkers (she’s cuckoo but I love her), but it’s also the first “self-help” book I’ve read in a long time that actually made complete sense to me. I’ve already started on the KonMari method (or a variation of) and attacked my kitchen, and so far, no relapse. I’ll post more about this as I attack the rest of my condo.


  1. I read Marie Kondo's book and it had the same effect on me!! I got super anxious and couldn't wait to purge my entire house. I read it on a Saturday and started purging/organizing on the Sunday and ended up taking the Monday off as a holiday because I just. couldn't. stop. That book should come with a warning label - may cause out of control purging and de-cluttering! It's fabulous!

    1. I'm sure anxiety wasn't the intended response but that's exactly what I felt. I HAD to get in and start decluttering right away! But I had to force myself to pace myself, otherwise it might have had serious consequences for my relationship. :)

  2. Hmm, I'll have to look into that book.

    I love the Simpsons references on your blog.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Everything can be referenced back to the Simpsons. I believe that's possible, I just haven't figured out how in all cases yet. I'm just not trying hard enough. :)

      If you're anything like me (I'm not a naturally tidy person, I wish I were, but could never figure out how to get there), this book was truly life-changing. And fun to read too!

  3. Those tacos look amazing! Yum! I am such a hoarder. Maybe I should read that book! Good luck with your job tomorrow! I am sure it will go brilliantly! I think it is so exciting that you are embarking upon this new adventure!


    1. The tacos were so good, I'm going back this week for more. The book was definitely entertaining, and I do recommend it for anyone who needs tidying advice.

      My first day on the job is fine, but ask me at the end of the week how I'm doing. :)


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